Green Jade is a stone that is related to the heart chakra, with harmony and love, it protects us, cleanses and emits calm and provides us with protection and cleaning.
On a healing level it is said to aid in the elimination and cleansing functions of the body and promote fertility.
It is a fairly resistant mineral, harder than steel. Formerly it was used for the elaboration of weapons and tools.
The first to use jade were the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, it is one of the most valued minerals in the East.
It transmits calm on a spiritual and emotional level, provides cleansing and protection, helping to promote balance in the healing of the body and mind, it is also used to enhance fertility
It was and is a sacred stone in China.
Being related to the fourth or heart chakra is related to emotional health.
It can be worn as an amulet, it attracts good luck, prosperity and favors the mental faculties.
Here is a sample of our products that are made of or contain Green Jade:
You can also access our handmade orgonites and minerals shop where you can find a wide variety of products with different minerals.